Savio Woo
Bioresonance Therapist
Savio is a registered Bioresonance therapist, trained at Paul Schmidt Akademie in Germany. Born and raised in Hong Kong, he is also a long-time Ashtanga Yoga practitioner. Introduced to Bioresonance by his mentor and friend Clayton, Savio joined WAVEWORKS as a Bioresonance therapist in 2019. With an intricate understanding of wavelengths and vibrations, he greets clients with a calm demeanor, focusing on identifying the root causes of their ailments and providing tailored lifestyle and dietary adjustments.
In addition to his therapeutic practice, Savio is a professional musician, which adds a unique dimension to his Bioresonance therapy. He perceives the resonance of the body much like he would listen to a Bach Cello Sonata, understanding the patterns and sounds of the body through his musical training. His goal is to create harmony for his clients' health while remaining attuned to the world around him.
Savio also has a passion for photography. He finds it to be a more spontaneous medium than drawing, capable of capturing life's moments quickly. He views photography as a tool for visual communication, helping to appreciate the often-overlooked aspects of life. By looking at things from different perspectives, Savio aims to uncover the extraordinary hidden beneath the surface, believing that imbalances in life often stem from less obvious sources.