Alison Yip
Office Manager & Bioresonance Therapist
Alison Yip is a Bioresonance Therapist at WAVEWORKS. She is a certified Bioresonance Therapist who was trained in Lennestadt, Germany, also certified in Reiki Healing. She has been with WAVEWORKS since its beginning and this is her 3rd year of administering therapy sessions. She was born in Hong Kong and was educated in Canada. She is fluent in both English and Cantonese allowing her to serve both the local and expat communities in Hong Kong. Having just had a baby, her main areas of focus are gut health, food allergies and immunity for maternity (pre and post-natal) and kids.
She encountered Bioresonance through her first job and was immediately fascinated by the theory of holistic health. She was always very interested in ways to make oneself healthy. Through training she realised the importance of eating well, especially in treating allergies. She always had seasonal allergies and had issues with her skin due to certain food intolerances. Since she engaged in Bioresonance, she was able to manage her body’s reactions to those allergens and is now able to enjoy her life. Based on her own experiences, she hopes to share the freedom and joy of having the food one enjoys without the discomfort.
She believes that harnessing the right energy within our bodies can enhance our physical health.